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Explorer Newsletter 02/04/2025

Posted Date: 2/05/25 (:00 AM)

Explorer Eagle
Explorer Middle School
Family Newsletter
February 4, 2025
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Here's what's happening at Explorer:

2/06 - Band, Orchestra and Choir Honor Festival at Edmonds Center for the Arts
2/10-2/11 - Orchestra Warm Beach Field Trip
2/11 - PTO Panera fundraiser, 7:00am - 8:00pm @ 304 SE Everett Mall Way. See flyer below
2/12 - Band concert in the gym at 7pm
panera spanish
Reminder about preparing for weather impacts
Sometimes weather this time of year can cause school to be delayed or cancelled. Bus routes can also be affected by unsafe travel conditions. The announcement of a school closure or delay is usually made early in the morning. All authorized parents and guardians will receive a ParentSquare message if school is closed or delayed. If you have a mobile phone number on file with your child's school, you should also receive a text message. 

This is a good time to make sure your school has updated contact information on file and in our systems so you don't miss important school announcements and information. Please contact us or stop by to update your contact information.

Updated school closure and delay information will also be posted on the school district’s website, on the FlashAlert website, and the district Facebook page and Instagram page. The district will let families know if bus routes are limited, but please review your child’s alternate route before then so you can plan accordingly. The alternate bus routes are listed on the transportation website
food drive
Districtwide food and supply drive, Feb 3-14
Our new Family Engagement Center is hosting a districtwide food and supply drive Feb. 3-14. The goal is to come together as a district and community to support our students and their families.

As we all know, basic needs insecurities can impact students’ academic performance and health. With the rising costs of living, a large population of our students and families are struggling.

Please join us by donating items from the list. Items may be dropped off at schools districtwide (hours vary) or the Family Engegement Center at Explorer Middle School, located in House 3, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Information from Mrs. Leader, Student Support Advocate
Free Adult ORCA Card
Community Transit is offering a one month day pass using the ORCA card, you must apply by January 31st, 2025 You can find more information on their website:

Will Your Family Be Moving?
We see many families moving for a variety of reasons. Did you know that if you need to move because your family lost their housing or has an economic hardship, you may qualify to have your student (s) remain in their home school so they can finish the school year? Reach out to Explorer if this may be you.

Housing Justice Program
Snohomish County Legal Services provides a wide range of services if you are facing an eviction, you can call 425-258-9283 ext 0 to make an appointment or visit their walk-up clinic at the Snohomish County Superior Court 9-11am Tuesdays through Fridays. You can also apply online at

Your students can access free clothing from either Clothes For Kids or Operation School Bell. Clothes For Kids appointments can be made here and Operation School Bell forms can be sent home with your student to fill out and return to school.
PTO and Boosters Update:

Explorer is very fortunate to have strong relationships with our family support groups.
PTO-Parent/Guardian Teacher Organization is our main support group. It consists of a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, student store chairperson, and staff appreciation chairperson. PTO is similar to a PTA in elementary school, but we are much less work! It is a very relaxed & casual group. We manage and run the student store, teacher grants, and financially support field trips. Our main fundraisers are the student store and PTO membership. 
Please consider donating $20 for membership. We are a 501 (C) non-profit group so your donation is tax deductible. You can send a check made out Explorer PTO or pay with Pay Pal PAY PAL OR Zelle

You can also support our PTO by linking your FRED MEYER card to our school. This has to be updated each year. Click here to link to Explorer Middle School. Fred Meyer card link
We hold monthly meeting, dates and time will be announced in these emails. Everyone, whether you are a member or not, is always welcome to join our meetings. Information about PTO meetings coming soon.

Music Boosters supports our band and orchestra programs. It consists of a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, & auction chairperson. Every parent/guardian with a child in band or orchestra is a Booster member. Meeting information coming soon.

Thank you to Kimberly Larsen, Tamara Hawkes, and Suzie Means for joining Hai Evans as part of this year's music boosters offic
Students will learn about clubs in morning announcements, Schoology and on our Club Board across from the student office. See club chart below.
Boys & Girls Club has an after school program at Explorer from 3pm - 6pm. Forms will be available in our office.

Is available for students who normally ride a bus home from school. The activity bus leaves Explorer at 4pm Monday - Thursday only, NO activity bus on Fridays. Students will give their address to the bus driver as they get on the bus. Students must have a pass from a staff member to be allowed on the bus.
Important School Information
Our office hours are 7:30am - 4:00pm, Monday-Friday. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at (425) 366-5000

8:05 am - 2:45 pm Monday - Thursday
8:05 am - 1:30 pm on Fridays

Students who are not in their assigned classroom when the bell rings are marked tardy unless they have a pass from another staff member. Students who are tardy 3-5 times in one week are assigned one lunch detention; students who are tardy 6 or more times in one week are assigned two lunch detentions.
Lunch detentions are held daily in the Focus Room. A reminder notice is sent to students the day they are to serve lunch detention. Students report directly to the Focus Room at the beginning of lunch, then are sent to the cafeteria to get food once the line has reduced. While in detention students may read, work on assignments, or sit quietly.

Please remind your students to bring their laptop to school each day fully charged and ready to use. Insert and unplug cables, charging cords, headphones…CAREFULLY! Leave the district barcode label on your laptop. Label your charger (labels will be given to your EL teacher). Keep food and drinks away from your laptop. Keep your laptop dry! Protect it from rain, snow and liquid.
Item Cost
Port, Case, Keyboard, Hinge, or other minor repair - $15 
Charger - $35
LCD Touch Screen - $230 
Total Loss or Damage, or unreturned - $675 
ASB page
ParentSquare QR Code
Is our school & district communication system. You will receive communication to the same phone number and email through ParentSquare that is listed in Qmlativ.  You may communicate with teachers through Schoology and Qmlativ, but ParentSquare is the preferred and easiest form of communication. Although you will receive messages through ParentSquare automatically. You have the option of creating a ParentSquare account.
For even better access, you can download the ParentSquare App and have easy access right on your phone. 
Activate your account through the web portal. Then, download the FREE ParentSquare app for iOS or Android by scanning the QR code below to get the full benefit of ParentSquare.

EX Online
EX Online
 EX Online:
Pre-order PE clothes, Yearbook, ASB card (required for all sports and after-school clubs) by scanning the QR code

If your student is participating in clubs and sports, they must purchase a $15.00 ASB card.
PE Uniforms can be purchased or brought from home. Students taking PE must wear blue, grey, or black shorts or grey sweats and a white or light grey t-shirt.

Due to staff changes in the office, we are no longer able to assist with sales of items in the morning hours. Our bookkeeper will now be available from 9:00am to 3:30pm to help all students and parents with purchases of all items.  If a purchase is made online, please send your student to see the bookkeeper after 9:00am to pick up the item.

When purchasing sweatpants, we may not have the correct size in stock. If we do not have the correct size, we will order them. Orders will be placed with the vendor twice a month. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Our smallest size, Youth Large, does NOT have a drawstring waist and has elastic cuffs at the bottom. All other sizes have a tapered leg bottom and a drawstring waist.

Current sales of Spirit Wear Sweatshirts will end 9/30/24. 
Final Forms QR Code
Sports Information
All students must fill out a Final Forms online sports eligibility packet online every year. All students must have a doctor’s physical every two years. 

Here’s the link to the sports calendar:

Season 3 Sports
Girls Basketball – Jan 21st
Coaches - Josh Olsen & Rod Mitchell

Wrestling – Feb 13th
Coaches - Corbin Dunston & Alex Tran

Season 4 Sports
Track – Apr 7th
Head Coach - Courtney Croft
Explorer Bell Schedule & Attendance
Attendance is very important in middle school. Please call the school anytime your child is not in school or will be late. You can also report your child's absence through ParentSquare. If you need to pick up your child early, please call ahead. Keep in mind that if it is passing time, lunch time, or your child is in PE, it may take some time to get them to you. Calling ahead or sending a note will help. When you arrive to school to pick up your child you will be asked to show photo ID. Attendance 425-366-5000.
6th graders will go to their 4th period class, have lunch, then return to their 4th period.
7th grade will have lunch after 4th period
8th graders have lunch after 3rd period.
Mon-Thu Bell Schedule
Fri Bell Schedule
What is Eagles Landing
We have set aside 28 minutes every Monday through Thursday to give students time for school work. During this time, students may get extra help from any of their teachers. Students must be signed up to leave their 1st period to see another teacher for Eagles' Landing. A teacher may sign them up or students may request it. If a student is not signed up to go to another class, they will remain in 1st period and do school work, get organized or read. This is also a great time for students working on projects together to get together. We make any school announcements during this time. If your child needs help, remind them to ask their teacher to sign them up for Eagles Landing.

Volunteer flyer